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PELICAN OF LONDON is unique among Square Riggers. Her hull form was derived from the elite French clippers of the late 19th century, with a length to breadth ratio of 5:1, a flared bow, fine entry and run. A long poop deck has been added which provides exceptional space and comfort for worldwide operation. Her […]

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S/y Zryw was built in 1978 in the Maritime Yacht Shipyard of Leonid Teliga. She is used as a sail training vessel for adolescents and to help them pass the Polish Certificate of Competency. These young sailors gather experience from voyages in the Baltic Sea. Within the last 2 years, Zryw sailed twice around the […]

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Built by hand in Spain between 1980 and 1984, ATYLA is one of the very few handmade wooden-hulled Tall Ships in the world that is still in operation. “ATYLA International Training Ship Foundation” is a not-for-profit organisation registered in Spain. The ship is still owned and operated by the same family who built her over […]

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The Caravel ‘Vera Cruz’, the third built by APORVELA on the original Project of the Shipwright Alm Rogerio de Oliveira was aimed to substitute the previous Boa Esperanca which, during the twelve years of service on Sail Training for the trainees of APORVELA, sailed over 60,000 miles on the Atlantic and Mediterranean, visiting ports in […]

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Sailing yacht Linda is named after the legendary mother of the Estonian national hero Kalevipoeg. Linda gave birth to the Estonian historic national hero – a giant who made wonders on land and at sea. S/y Linda is privately owned and is registered at the Pärnu Yacht Club located in South Estonia. Linda is a […]

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“SANTA MARIA MANUELA” (SMM) is a four masted gaff schooner initially launched in 1937, built by Companhia Uniao Fabril, in Lisbon. She began operating in cod fishing being one of the most beautiful vessels of the so famous Portuguese White Fleet. In 1993, due to obsolescence, she was abated to the fishing fleet, being partially […]

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Aglaia was built by the Colin Archer Club in Stockholm, a club that was founded in 1975 to rebuild hulls based on the famous Norwegian rescue vessels of the last century. Her hull was one of 30 built at the time and bought by a salesman from Hamburg in Germany, who worked on completing the […]

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Bermudan sloop, Sarmata II often takes part in races. The yacht was built in 1991 and immediately enriched the fleet of the Navy Yacht Club “Kotwica”. Her seaworthiness allows her sailing even in the most difficult sea conditions. Many sailing enthusiasts have passed through our deck. The youngest ones and those for whom the age […]

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LOA was built as a three-masted schooner in Svendborg, Denmark in 1922 – and restored as a barquentine in Aalborg, Denmark 2004-09. The vessel is owned by the Danish sail training trust, Tall Ship Aalborg Fonden. The home port is Aalborg, host of the Tall Ships’ Races in 1999, 2004, 2010, and again in 2015. LOA […]

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Built in the late Captain Fuller’s backyard on the Ottawa River between 1979 and 1982, the 110 foot (33.5 metre) Brigantine has sailed the oceans of the world, logged over 150,000 nautical miles (280,000 kilometres), and has put over 2,000 trainees through her program in the last 20 years.

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Sailing ship Eendracht is owned and operated by the Dutch Foundation Stichting Zeilschip EEndracht, which offers active sailing experiences to young people and adults whilst promoting the maritime traditions of the Netherlands as a seagoing nation. As a 55m (excluding bowsprit) three-masted schooner, Eendracht replaced her smaller predecessor Johann Schmidt and was commissioned by H.M. […]

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Sail Training yacht Asta, is a Morgan 54 (Marauder) class monohull sailboat with a Bermudan Sloop rig. Asta was constructed in 1971 for the German Naval Academy fleet. Her homeport is Flensburg, and she is owned by the German Navy. Designed and built by Charles Morgan, American sailboat racer and designer. He is best known […]

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