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Sail Training International


Race 1 of the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016. Image by Valery Vasilevsky

Our purpose is the development and education of young people through the sail training experience, regardless of nationality, culture, religion, gender or social background.

We are a registered charity (not-for-profit organisation) and have worldwide membership and activities. We achieve our purpose through a range of activities and services, including:

  • Conferences and seminars
  • Races and other events for sail training Tall Ships
  • Publications and DVD presentations
  • International research
  • The Ships Council (whose membership of the Tall Ships Forum and Small Ships Forum are the operators of many of the world’s sail training tall ships.)
  • The Sail Training International Youth Council (whose members are under the age of 26 and represent the interests of young sail trainers around the world)

Our Members are the National Sail Training Organisations of:


Australia & New Zealand Finland Italy Portugal
Belgium France Japan South Africa
Bermuda Germany Latvia Spain
Canada Greece Lithuania Sweden
Croatia Hungary Netherlands United Kingdom
Denmark India Norway United States of America
Estonia Ireland Poland

Other countries that have sail training vessels and participate in events organised by Sail Training International include:

Argentina Chile Indonesia Romania
Brazil Colombia Malaysia Uruguay
Bulgaria Czech Republic Mexico
Cayman Islands Faroe Islands Oman

See our Full List of Member Organisations

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