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Pogoria, winner of the Friendship Trophy

SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 Varna: Day Three – Friendships and Tall Ships

October 3, 2016

To the delight of the young trainees on board, the Sail

Training International Friendship trophy was yesterday (Sunday 2

October) presented to Pogoria, the Polish “Class Afloat” vessel. Also awarded Youngest Crew (with an average age of 23 years and 1 month), Pogoria has been a fantastic example of sail training for young people.

Who better to tell us about life onboard, than three of the trainees:

Zuzanna StÛ»pi‹ska, 15


the first lesson, we have a physics test today. Unfortunately, when I

take a pen, the sail setting alarm yells. We are leaving books and

sheets of paper and climbing the yards quickly. We go over physics

formulas in the meantime. It’ a regular day on Cpt. Baranowski’

International Class Afloat, which combines a regular school with

sailing. Student of this school under sails are the chosen ones from

whole Poland. These 15-year-old teenagers have shown that they are

unusually athletic – they won the sports competition – and they had

helped people as volunteers for a whole year. The best ones began their

school year on STS Pogoria.

Cpt. Baranowski’ International Class Afloat 2016 is very special. It is the first time that STS Pogoria has sailed on the Black Sea and she will take part in the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016.

We are really excited, because for the majority of us this is the first

time at sea. It ain’t easy! Discipline and order are the inherent

aspects of our life onboard. Shoes must be set straight, berths must be

cleaned up and teeth must be always brushed. These are only few examples

of our äómusts.äó Teachers and mates put an enormous effort to teach us

everything we need to know here. We are usually sleepy. It happens

sometimes that because of our trespasses we mustn’t go out in the

harbour and no one is ever tough on us, but if anyone would ask us if we

would like to change this school for a regular one, the answer would

be: NEVER!”

Barbara Matusiewicz, 15

“June 18, 2016


had been waiting for this day for a long time. After months of

voluntary work, swimming, healthy lifestyle, running and studying

English, I heard my surname read on competition preliminaries. I

succeeded! I got aboard Cpt. Baranowski’ International Class Afloat!

Competitions were very hard, because I wasn’t the only person who wanted

to get into this school under sails. After running 400 meters, swimming

50 meters, three pull ups and writing English exam, I was waiting for a

result. Fortunately, the result was positive. Soon I can start a

two-month sailing trip combined with a regular school and the SCF Black

Sea Ship Regatta. I don’t know anyone aboard but I’m sure the bonds of

friendship with the people I’ll meet there will last forever.

September 14, 2016


hard here, but as the Captain says: äóIt has been easy so far!äó The

daily watches aren’t easy but refraining from sleeping during the

lessons after the watch is even more difficult. At sea we have six

lessons every day. Only in harbours we have äóweekends.äó All the time

something new happens. We’re learning ropes’ and sails’ names. They all

seem to be the same but they are for different purposes. Only 10 days

have passed but I already feel that one of the biggest adventures in my

life has just begun.”

Jan Sachse, 15

“Another day on STS Pogoria.

Today’ wake up song, performed by one of the mates, was very nice. As

usually, I calculate how much time I have for my morning routine. It

looks like I still have five minutes for morning protracting then a

minute to get dressed, three minutes to brush my teeth and a minute

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