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Young captain request

May 23, 2010

Magda Makowska on the Croatian-registered Delphia 40, Mati may be experienced having been the captain of a yacht in The Tall Ships Races for over three years now, but at just 23 year’ old, she the youngest. In fact, Makowska has been winning the Youngest Captain prize for the last three years and now thinks it’ high time she had some competition.

Makowska and her five-strong Polish team also won the prize for the youngest average aged crew at yesterday’ prizegiving, with the youngest member on board clocking in at just 17.

Commenting on her prize-winning success, Makowska said: “s much as it’ good to win a prize I’d like to have some competition. I like the other captains very much. They are older than me, and good friends but it would be good to see some younger captains on the circuit.

“There is no reason why more young captains shouldn’t join in the tall ships regattas. It’ easy, just get some friends together, charter a yacht, and sign up for the time of your life!äó

To track the fleet as they race click here

To view the current placings of the race click here

To view the combined race results of Leg 1 and 2 of Race 1 click here.

The Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.

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