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Vice President of Greece welcomes ships to Lavrion

June 5, 2010

The Vice President of Greece, Theodoros Pangalos (pictured), welcomed the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta fleet to Lavrion yesterday evening at the opening ceremony. Pangalos, who is also the Minister for Attiki, the area that includes Lavrion, warmly welcomed the Tall Ships and thanked Sail Training International for organising the event and for introducing sail training to the people of Greece. 

The mayor of Lavrion, Dimitrios Loukas, also spoke warmly about having the Tall Ships fleet in the city and hoped that the people of Lavrion all had a chance to visit the ships and to learn more about sail training. 

Robin Snouck Hurgronje, the Race Chairman of the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta, thanked the Mayor and all the people of Lavrion for the hard work which has been done to make it possible for the fleet to berth in Lavrion. “We really do hope that many people from Lavrion will come to the port and visit the ships and the crews. We want them to learn more about sail training, to learn more about the sailing ships and to learn more about the crews from so many different countries. We want the people of Lavrion to become part of our big international family.”

Following the opening ceremony, the captains were taken to the Technological Cultural Park where they enjoyed a Captains’ dinner with traditional music.  The Mayor welcomed the Captains to the city and hoped they all had an enjoyable visit and would return soon. The captain of the Bulgarian ship Kaliakra, Stanislav Kaludov, spoke on behalf of all the fleet when he thanked the city of Lavrion for hosting them and also thanked Sail Training International for ensuring the tradition of Tall Ships events continues to widen its horizons.

Today the crews will enjoy some sports activities and later they will parade through the streets of Lavrion before the final prizegiving of the series. 

To view the results of races 1, 2 and 3, click here

To see more images from the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta, click here.

The Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.

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