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Varna prepares for fleet arrivals

April 29, 2014

Preparations are well underway for the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta in the first port of Varna. The quaysides are being dressed and stages prepared.  Bulgarian ships Kaliakra and Royal Helena are already alongside, along with Johanna Lucretia (UK) and Akela (Russia). Nadezhda (Russia) made a grand entrance earlier today, assisted by tugs to ease her into her berthing area. The Pakistani brig Rah Naward will shortly be arriving and the huge Russian ships Kruzenshtern and Sedov are expected to arrive at about noon on Wednesday, which will provide quite a spectacle for visitors to the port.  

Pic: Maritime student trainees from Kaliakra 


Editors note

About Sail Training International (STI)

STI is the international voice of Sail Training, a registered charity (not-for-profit organisation), which has worldwide membership and activities. Its purpose is the development and education of young people through the Sail Training experience, regardless of nationality, culture, religion, gender or social background. It organises the annual Tall Ships Races and other international Tall Ship sailing events. STI members are 29 national Sail Training organisations around the world and STI’ head office is in Gosport, Hampshire, UK.

The organisation was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2007 for its work in promoting international understanding and friendship.

What is sail training?

Sail Training is an adventure activity, which includes far more than sailing instruction. Participants are required to confront demanding challenges, both physical and emotional. It is an activity that inspires self-confidence and personal responsibility. It promotes an acceptance of others, whatever their social or cultural backgrounds, and develops a willingness to take controlled risks. Those who undertake Sail Training on Tall Ships generally find it a positive life-changing experience.

For more information about the event visit Sail Training International 

Sovcomflot (SCF)

 SCF is the lead sponsor of The SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta, 30 April – 27 May 2014, and was previously sponsor of The Tall Ships Races 2009.  Sovcomflot Group is Russia’s largest shipping company and one of the world’s leading energy transporters. 

Its mission is to be the leading international energy shipping company, offering a full range of seaborne energy solutions to its customers, based on advanced shipping technologies and innovations, achieving long-term sustainability of growth and profits through a socially responsible industrial shipping model.

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