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Trainees Needed!

April 10, 2010

Trainees are still needed for the ships taking part in the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta, The Tall Ships Races and the North Sea Tall Ships Regatta. 

At Sea Sail Training have managed to find a small pot of gold! If you are between 15 and 25 years old and would like to join an international exchange then contact them quickly and you may be able to obtain some funding. 

Contact At Sea Sail Training now!

At Sea Sail Training are looking at another potential source of funding so anyone interested in taking part in one of these events should contact them as soon as possible. 

Perhaps you would like to go sailing earlier, or on a different vessel or trip? Check out their schedule. If you need help to find funding of your own, send them an email.

Spread the word to those who have never sailed before! On board you will learn how to sail, you can climb the rigging, steer the vessel and become part of a team but you also get to work on your own skills: leadership, cooperation, communication etc. 

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