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The Tall Ships Races 2016: Crew Members Let Down Their Hair

August 13, 2016

Last night (Friday 12 August) crew members let down their hair in style at the Crew Party in the final port of the Tall Ships Races 2016, A Coruí±a

Following the success of yesterday’ crew activities (more

than 400 people taking part), which included an open water race, a sailing

regatta and the greasy pole challenge, crew members tried their hand at pirate

games today (Saturday 13 August).  


We caught up with trainees who sailed in Race Three and the

Cruise-in-Company from Cíçdiz to A Coruí±a on board Class A Tall Ship, Morgenster (Netherlands).  We asked them a few questions before they set

sail, then asked them what it was like when they got back.   This

is what they said:

Gabriel Barrios, 17

years old


Have you sailed before? Yes

Why did you apply to

become a trainee? Because I wanted to experience sailing on a big

sailboat and the cultural exchange.

How do you feel about the challenge of

sailing to Cíçdiz? At the beginning rather gloomy but now very comfortable

What are you most looking forward to? Enjoying the sea, learning how it all works and the discipline.  The views out to sea especially at sunset.


So – what was the

voyage to A Coruí±a like? It was not what I expected – it was much better!


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