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The Tall Ships Races 2015: cruise in company goes back to nature

July 18, 2015


glaciers, mountains and waterfalls will be the backdrop to The Tall Ships Races

2015 Cruise in Company over the next few days.


four days of Norwegian hospitality and festivities in Aalesund the fleet sails

away today (Saturday 18 July) and soon the crews will be enjoying the untouched nature and unique fjord

cities of western Norway with its white sandy beaches, idyllic harbours and

maritime culture.

From Aalesund

the fleet enters the Sunnmore fjords with views of the Sunnmore Alps high

peaks.  The longest fljord in Norway, the

Sognefjord lies in the heart of Fjord Norway and extends to the foot of the

Jotunheimen and Jostedalsbreen National Parks. 

The fleet

then sails into the Hardanger area and the Hardangerfjord, known for both the

mountain plateau Hardangervidda and its fantastic blossoming fruit trees. 

On the last

leg of the cruise the fleet will sail along the friendly coast of southern

Norway (Sorlandet) with its exceptional archipelagos.  

The following

harbours will be welcoming the fleet during the cruise:  Geiranger, Orsta, Maloy, Rosendal, SIrevag,

Egersund, Flekkefjord, Farsund and Lindesnes ending up in Kristiansand, the

third port of The Tall Ships Races 2015.

The deadline

for arrival into Kristiansand is 12 noon, Saturday 25 July giving the fleet

six full days to enjoy an amazing range of activities on the way from mountain

hikes and bus, rib and bike excursions to sea kayaking, rafting, and a wide

range of sports and music festivals.  It’

the perfect opportunity for the international fleet to explore all that Norway

has to offer.

About the Aalesund Tall Ships



first vessels participating will be at the turning point (the ship Gamle OksíŸy)

around 1300. On the way out again, they will pass the ferry Ullensvang which

is a äóìsaluting vesseläó where crews will salute, sound horns and say goodbye in

their own unique way.

There will be great photo and

filming opportunities at ValderíŸy, EllingsíŸy, Fjellstua and AspíŸy school.

A map can be

seen on the Tall Ships Aalesund website here <

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