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The Sun Shines on Greenock

July 9, 2011

Crowds flocked to see the Tall Ships in sunny Greenock today as the event was declared officially open.

Six trainees aged between 15 and 18 years old from the Marine Academy, Plymouth, UK, were particularly pleased to join in the festivities following their arrival on Class C vessel, Moosk.

The trainees have been supported by Sail Training International who funded 50 per cent of the total cost to enable them to take part in the first leg of The Tall Ships Races 2011.

Lucy Gross, General Manager, Association of Sail Training Organisations, commented: äóìWe are very grateful to Sail Training International for providing the funding to enable these young people, some with difficult backgrounds, to take part in a fantastic sail training event which they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to do.äó

The trainees agreed that the race from Waterford to Greenock was a life changing experience listing many highlights including sailing in strong winds and coming third in Class C. 

The Tall Ships Races 2011 are presented by Szczecin and organised by Sail Training International.

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