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The Race to Genoa has started!

April 1, 2010

The race to get to Genoa for the start of the Garibaldi Tall Ships Regatta has already started.  Although the official event does not start until Thursday 8 April, two of the vessels taking part are currently locked in a fierce competition.

Tall Ships Astrid and Tecla, both from the Netherlands, left Benicario in Spain yesterday and are now racing towards Genoa. Astrid had a couple of hours start but it appears that Tecla has been catching up fast. Both vessels are now under full sail and both are as determined as the other to win. The Tall Ships Race season may not be officially under way, but for these two vessels the race is definitely on.

Tecla has been in Benicario since 14 February where she has been undergoing some maintenance work and now boasts a complete set of new sails. This first race is going to be a good test to see how well the new sails work and within the first few hours of being at sea, Tecla was already making 7 knots in just windforce 3 and with no topsails. The Sluik family on board are very excited and optimistic about a good season’s sailing and racing. 

Another vessel taking part in the Garibaldi Tall Ships Regatta, Tenacious from the UK, is currently in Monaco after having spent the winter cruising around the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. She will be getting a new crew on 1 April and then will set sail for Genoa, aiming to arrive on 8 April. 

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