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The race across the Baltic has started

June 8, 2015

A challenging 240

nautical mile race across the Baltic to Szczecin, Poland for the Baltic Tall Ships

Regatta 2015 officially started from Klaipeda, Lithuania today (Monday 8 June).

The wind was blowing 15-20 knots at the start of the race,

which was enough to give the fleet a flying start – particularly for  the Class Cs and Ds –  and overnight the wind looks set to veer to the north/north west. 


across the start line for the Class As was Dar

Mlodziezy (Poland);  for Class B it

was General Zaruski (Poland); first

in Class C was Spaniel (Latvia); and

first in Class D was Lietuva


Voyage planning is always a major part of the Captains role

in the fleet and the Captains of every vessel attended a briefing yesterday to

help them plan their strategy. 

The predictions for the next day shows conditions more favourable for the square rigged vessels.  Mike Bowles, Race Director said, äóìIt is too

early to say who the likely leaders will be, but it will be interesting to see

if some of the fleet make a tactical decision to head to the north where they

may find more favourable winds, but as the day progresses the winds are due to become lighter so we will then see more clearly who the

early leaders are.äó

With a crew of over 500 people taking part in the event, for

many it will be a  unique first time

experience – fulfilling STI’ main mission- to create possibilities for young people

to have a sailing experience.  Sail Training

International (STI) helps to make this happen by organising the Tall Ships

Races and Regattas and supporting the ships in their responsibility for


Robin Snouck Hurgronje, Race Chairman presented one of the

vessels in the fleet with a special award in recognition of this. äóì It is of

the utmost importance to STI to conduct a safe race, so, as well as producing a

thorough safety manual, we also award a vessel in each race who has, in the

opinion of our vessel safety inspectors, put the best safety management system

in place.   For this event that award

goes to the Class B vessel Brabander (Lithuania).äó

You can follow the fleet using Yellow Brick satellite

navigation tracking from the Sail Training International website here.

Photos from the event can be seen on Facebook here or visit the Klaipeda Tall Ships Regatta website here.

      – – ends –

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