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Sophie is a Tall Ship trooper

July 19, 2010

Army reservist Sophie Baviere (25) sailed into Aalborg yesterday on board Mutin (France) having raced from Antwerp, however this is not the first time she has been part of the races.  Sophie first sailed on Belle Poule (France) in 2007 after hearing of the Tall Ships Races from a friend.  She sailed on Etoile (France) in the following year and in 2009 Sophie was invited back to Etoile to sail as communications officer for the entire Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge (TSAC), a role she excelled at, not missing a single communications schedule throughout the trip despite the harsh conditions in some areas.  Immediately following the TSAC experience Sophie also sailed on Tecla (Netherlands) for two months. 

As well as developing her own confidence and knowledge the experience has helped her in her role as the French representative on the International Youth Forum, about which she is extremely enthusiastic.  The mission of the International Youth Forum is to help Sail Training International

fulfil its mission and meet its goals by bringing young people from the

international sail training community together; working for youth by

youth to provide fresh ideas for the future of sail training.

Sophie is now aiming to combine her love of architecture with her love of the sea by training to be a naval architect.  


To see more images from The Tall Ships Races, click here.

The Tall Ships Races is presented by Szczecin and organised by Sail Training International

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