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Sail Training International Appoints First Patron

May 11, 2012

The Trustees of Sail Training International are pleased to announce that Efthimios E Mitropoulos has accepted their invitation to become the organisation’ first Patron. Mr Mitropoulos was Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization from 2004 until the end of last year. He joined the IMO in 1979 following a distinguished career in Greece’ maritime sector and in various international fora as a Hellenic Coast Guard Officer (retiring with the rank of Rear Admiral). During his long career in shipping he was awarded several honorary degrees by maritime academies and universities, and both distinctions and medals from many governments around the world. He is currently Chairman of the Board of the Maria Tsakos International Centre for Maritime Research and Tradition.

äóìSail training on a Tall Ship was one of my earliest experiences as a young man and fired my interest in a maritime career,äó says Mr Mitropoulos. äóìI believe sail training is a powerful inspiration for young people in giving them important life skills. I am particularly interested in its potential to attract young people to a career in the maritime sector and as a valuable component of cadet training programmes. I have always been a keen supporter of the work done by Sail Training International in developing the sail training activity and working with the shipping industry to promote safety practices. I feel honoured to join the ranks of Sail Training Internationaläó

äóìMr Mitropoulos brings to us a wealth of international experience of the maritime sector and regulatory issues, and an understanding of the value of sail training,äó says Nigel Rowe, President and Chairman, on behalf of the trustees of Sail Training International. äóìWe are greatly honoured he has accepted our invitation to be our first Patron.äó

Sail Training International has a world-wide membership of 29 national sail training organisations. Its mission is the development and promotion of sail training for young people. It is the international voice of sail training. It organises races and regattas for sail training Tall Ships, develops ‘best practice’ guidelines for on-board safety practices and training programme content, organises conferences and seminars, produces various publications, and sponsors research relating to sail training.

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