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Race Update 9 – 16 August am report

August 16, 2010

With just a few hours left of the North Sea Tall Ships Regatta left to run, the current leader overall as well as in Class C, is Rona II (UK). In second place overall is Stad Amsterdam (Netherlands), who also leads Class A. In third place overall is Dar Szczecina (Poland).

Behind Stad Amsterdam in Class A is Eendracht (Netherlands) with Oosterschelde (Netherlands) back up in third place. Tecla is the provisional winner of Class B and is currently lying 7th overall. 

Class C has seen the most competitive racing with Rona II currently in the lead, Dar Szczecina in second and Riyal (Netherlands) in third. Lietuva (Lithuania) remains in the lead of Class D with Endorfina (Poland) in second place and Urania (Netherlands) in third. 

Ships are finishing and going to ports to recover from what has been a testing race. All are due into Ijmuiden by Wednesday 18 August at the latest in preparation for the sail into Amsterdam. It has been a fascinating race and no doubt there will be many stories to be told. The final results will not be known until all ships are in IJmuiden and confirmed their courses sailed by means of the Race Declaration form. These forms will be scrutinized and compared with reports received and vessel tracking monitored and then final results declared. The prize giving will take place in Amsterdam on Friday 20 August at the end of the Crew Parade.

Picture: Rona II crew at the start of the race.

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The fleet can be tracked using the Yellowbrick satellite tracking system which updates every four hours. 

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To see more images from this and other Tall Ships events, click here.

The North Sea Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.

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