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Race Update 6

July 17, 2010

Flukey (light) winds this afternoon have frustrated those of the fleet still trying to reach the finishing line, although some 20 have now crossed it 80 miles off Aalborg.

In Class A the Norwegian ships Statsraad Lehmkuhl, Christian Radich and Sorlandet remain in first, second and third places on corrected time (all results provisional) however Shtandart (Russia), who has been a contender for one of the first three positions throughout the race has now dropped to seventh place, with Mir (Russia), Kruzenshtern (Russia) (pictured preparing for the race start) and Georg Stage (Denmark) slipping through into fourth, fifth and sixth place respectively.  

Tecla (Netherlands), who has led the Class B race throughout, has slipped back to second position with Jens Krogh (Denmark) taking the lead.  Constantina (Sweden) remains consistent in third place.

In Class C Dar Szczenia (Poland), Rona II (UK) and Black Diamond of Durham (UK) remain in first second and third place respectively.

Tomidi (Belgium), who has finished, has taken the lead from Polarrev (Belgium) in the Class D race, with Miles to Go (Belgium) in third.  

All results remain provisional until declaration forms have been submitted and reviewed by the race committee in Aalborg.

Details of estimated arrival times into Aalborg will follow in the next report.

To track The Tall Ships Races fleet as they race, click here  

To view the current placings of the race, click here.

To see more images from The Tall Ships Races, click here.

The Tall Ships Races is presented by Szczecin and organised by Sail Training International.

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