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Race Two, Report Nine: Race ends in Constanta

May 23, 2014

Race Two of the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta came to an end in the early hours of this morning (Fri 23 May) with six vessels having crossed the finish line some 15 miles from Constanta, five finishing at sea and one retirement.  

Positions remain provisional until all vessels are in port and have submitted their declaration forms to the the Race Committee.  Currently they stand as follows: 

Class A – on corrected time

1st Royal Helena (Bulgaria) – and third overall

2nd Nadezhda (Russia)

3rd Mir (Russia)

4th Kaliakra (Bulgaria)

5th Sedov (Russia)

6th  Mircea (Romania)

Class B – on corrected time

1st Johanna Lucretia (UK) – and first overall – pictured arriving in port

2nd Bodrum (Turkey) 

3rd  Adornate (Romanian) 

Class C – on corrected time

1st Akela (Russia) – and second overall

2nd  Sea Adventure (Bulgaria) 

Adornate, Johanna Lucretia, Kaliakra, Mircea and Sedov all finished at sea – ie. they had not crossed the finish line at the time of the race limit (0200 hrs local for Class A’s and 0230 hrs for Class B and C) and therefore recorded their positions at the time race limit.  

Akela, Mir, Adornate, Sea Adventure, Royal Helena, Bodrum and Atyla are now alongside in port. Nadezhda, Kaliakra, Mircea, Sedov and the communications vessel, Running on Waves are expected to arrive early on Saturday morning.  

You can follow the remaining fleet still at sea as well as looking at historical data on the race using the Yellow Brick system by clicking on this link 

Final preparations for the coming festival in the Port of Constanta are now well underway and will be completed by the time of the official opening ceremony tomorrow (Sat 24 May) at 1300 hrs local which includes a visit from the President of Romania, Mr Traian Bۀsescu.  

29 sail training vessels entered the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta, with 17 having raced from Varna (Bulgaria) to Novorossiysk (Russia), including one Ukranian and seven Russian ships. 12 have raced from Sochi (Russia) to Constanta (Romania). 


About Sail Training International (STI)

STI is the international voice of Sail Training, a registered charity (not-for-profit organisation), which has worldwide membership and activities. Its purpose is the development and education of young people through the Sail Training experience, regardless of nationality, culture, religion, gender or social background. It organises the annual Tall Ships Races and other international Tall Ship sailing events. STI members are 29 national Sail Training organisations around the world and STI’ head office is in Gosport, Hampshire, UK.

The organisation was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2007 for its work in promoting international understanding and friendship.


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