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Race start to Dublin confirmed

August 14, 2012

The Tall Ships Races 2012 race start from A Coruí±a to Dublin has now been confirmed as 19:00 (local time) today (Tuesday 14 August).

Further to yesterday’ weather prediction the forecast has thankfully improved.  Fresh to strong south and south westerly winds are now expected for the first few days of the race and vessels are now preparing to set off.

Chairman of the Tall Ships Races 2012, Christer Samuelsson said, äóìIt is sad to say goodbye to A Coruí±a, but I’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone for their support, excellent services and efficiency through the whole event.   

äóìThe town has had very busy and exciting few days. A Coruna’ population is around 250,000 and early estimates of visitor numbers over the last four days are over half a million – with around 30,000 people visiting the docks to see the Tall Ships at its busiest time.

äóìGood luck to all the vessels now preparing to race to Dublin; we expect some exciting sailing over the next few days.äó

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