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Race report two: first winners on the water

June 10, 2015

Akela (Russia), Lietuva (Lithuania) and Lady B (Poland) were first across the finish line this morning in the Baltic Tall Ships Regatta

2015 – making them the winners on the water.  The official winning results,

decided on corrected time by the race committee, will be announced at the prize giving ceremony in Szczecin, Poland on Saturday 13 June.


The Sail Training International

Race Committee is now looking carefully at the positions of the vessels at the back of the fleet and

will decide later today if a ‘finish at sea’ is required.   Mike Bowles, Race Director, Sail Training

International explained, ” finish at sea is sometimes called to ensure the fleet arrive in time for the port festivities.  So, we need to take into account the weather, fleet

progress in the race, and the official deadline for vessel arrivals into

Szczecin, Poland of midday Friday 12 June.äó


Accurate race

positions, updated every 15 minutes, can be seen on the Yellow Brick ships

satellite tracking system which shows (at the time of publishing this report) Class C Dar Szczecina (Poland) as first on corrected time; Class A Shtandart (Russia) second on corrected time and Class D Akela (Russia) third on corrected time. 

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