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Race Report 4 – 31 August AM Report

August 30, 2011

Race leader Lietuva (Lithuania) currently has only 60 miles to go to the finish, which could see them crossing the line at approximately 1600 hrs local time (1400 UTC).  In contrast those vessels at the back of the fleet are struggling to make headway with very little wind overnight, such as De Gallant (Netherlands), who is making only 2.8 knots with 260 miles still to go.  

The current placings in Class A have not changed since yesterday evening’s schedule, with Dar Mlodziezy (Poland) – pictured at the race start –  leading, ahead of Mir (Russia) and Fryderyk Chopin (Poland) in third, all on corrected time.

in Class B, Tecla (Netherlands) remains in the lead, ahead of Johann Smidt (Germany) and Brabander (Lithuania), all on corrected time.

4 Oceans’ Dream (Poland) remains the leader in Class C, followed by Villa Mare (Finland) and Smialy (Poland) in third place, all on corrected time.

In Class D, the results have been affected by Lietuva not having reported this morning, thus Fujimo (USA) has taken the lead on corrected time, followed by Lady B (Poland).

Anya (Finland) has unfortunately been forced to retire due to damage to her sails and is returning to Turku.

The wind in the middle of the fleet is a favourable WNW 13 knots however north of Gotland this decreases to 5-10 knots.

The race committee

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