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Race Report 3 – 23 August AM report

August 22, 2011

In Class A Mir (Russia) remains the strong leader, while Kruzenshtern (Russia) has  overtaken Shtandart (Russia) to place them second and third respectively, on corrected time.   

Tecla (Netherlands) is holding her lead in Class B with Helena (Finland) having taken second place from Brabander (Lithuania), all on corrected time.

In Class C, St Iv (Estonia) remains in first position on corrected time, followed by Camelot (Poland) and 4 Oceans Dream (Poland), again, all on corrected time.

in Class D, Fujimo (USA) is a strong leader, with Akela (Russia) moving up the rankings to second place, ahead of Bylina (Russia) in third. 

Fujimo remains first on the water with 108 miles to go to the finish, followed by Mir and Akela, all three being clear of Gotland.

At the back of the fleet, Johann Smidt (Germany) is passed, but still close to, Waypoint One, while Sedov (Russia) and Shtandart are still struggling to get passed the first waypoint, with around 235 miles to go.  

The weather at the time of reporting this morning was NW 10kts in the middle of the fleet, half way up the west coast of Gotland.  Back at Waypoint One there is less wind.  The prospects for the next 24 hours indicate that it will decrease further and so the race committee are looking at the likelihood of having to bring forward the race time limit, which presently is 1300 UTC on the 25th August.  The distance from the finish line to Turku is approx 70 miles through the archipelago so the coverage of this distance has to be taken in to account when calculating the tim

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