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Race Report 2 – 22 August PM Report

August 22, 2011

After an eventful day’s racing Mir (Russia) remains the leader in Class A with Shtandart (Russia) second and Kruzenshtern (Russia) in third on corrected time.  


Tecla (Netherlands)is holding her lead in Class B followed by Brabander (Lithuania) and Finnish vessel Helena, all on corrected time.

In Class C, St Iv (Estonia) remains in first position on corrected time, followed by Camelot (Poland) and 4 Oceans Dream (Poland), again, all on corrected time.

Class D has been affected by Leituva’s change of course to make Waypoint One, with Fujimo taking over the lead position, followed by Bylina (Russia) and Variag (Russia) all on corrected time.  

Fujimo is also first on the water, being close to Waypoint 2 at the time of reporting.

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