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Race leg two results announced

August 3, 2014

The results for race leg two of The Tall Ships Races 2014 – from Bergen, Norway to Esbjerg, Denmark – have now been confirmed by the Sail Training International Race Committee. 

The race featured close and exciting racing in all classes, with some of the positions being decided by just a few minutes on corrected time. 

Paul Bishop, Race Director, Sail Training International said, äóìThe captains, navigators and crews have had a challenging race, and the level of professionalism within the fleet has been excellent, so the Race Committee would like to pass on their congratulations to all vessels. The racing in Class A has been particularly close and Christian Radich‘ strong performance as the first large Class A ship to cross the finish line should be noted as an exceptional performance, as was that of Statsraad Lehmkuhl and the other ships in the top group of Class A vessels.”


Class A


1                  Kapitan Glowacki (Poland)

2                  Christian Radich (Norway)

3                  Statsraad Lehmkhul (Norway)


Class B


1                  Liv (Norway)

2                  Jens Krogh (Denmark)

3                  Rupel (Belgium)


Class C


1                  St Iv (Estonia)

2                  Wilhelmstad (Poland)

3                  Black Diamond of Durham (UK)


Class D


1                  Gigi (UK)

2                  Tomidi (Belgium)

3                  Urania (Netherlands)

The prizes will be awarded by Johnny SíŸtrup, Mayor of Esbjerg- at final prize giving ceremony of The Tall Ships Races 2014, taking place at 1500 today (Sunday 2 August 2014) in Esbjerg, Denmark.  The results of this prize giving ceremony – which will include the announcement of the winners of the overall race series – will be published later today.    

For full information about the event download the app ‘tallshipsesberg2014’ for the entire programme, ship details and location and everything else a visitor or crew member might want to know about toilets, groceries, banks and more.   Or visit 

Visit Tall Ships Esbjerg on Facebook here 

Or see the latest photographs on the Sail Training International Facebook page here 

Photo:  Gigi (UK) – winner of Class D, Race Leg Two, The Tall Ships Races 2014.  Photo by Valery Vasilevskiy.   More photos can be seen on 

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