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Party Starts with Crew Parade

July 27, 2012

The official prize giving ceremony took place in Cíçdiz this evening following a crew parade which found itself winding through the 3,000 year old city.

The Mayor of Cíçdiz, Teí_fila Martí_nez, welcomed the international crews to the prize giving ceremony before Sail Training International’s Head of Race Directorate, Paul Bishop, revealed the following to the eagerly awaiting Captains, trainees and crews who will now party the night away at the official crew party.

Congratulations to the Captain of Rupel (pictured above) for winning first in Class and first overall on corrected time.


Class D on Corrected Ti

Akela, Russia


Class D on Corrected Time

Lietuva, Lithuania


Class D on Corrected Time

Urania, Netherlands


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