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Irish Tall Ship Trainee Tales

August 22, 2012

Irish trainees were eager to share their exciting stories of life at sea when they arrived into Dublin port.


äóìI found out about The Tall Ships Races on Facebook.  I didn’t have any experience but because I was a scout leader I was lucky to be accepted when I applied to the City Council.

äóìThe weather was mad.  At times all you could see was white spray and we needed to be clipped on to ensure we didn’t fall overboard.  One night, while we were eating dinner, we heard the boom snap. We also had to help another Polish boat and take on eleven of their crew.  Thankfully we had great facilities on board and the space to put extra people up. äóì

Nathan, Kapitan Borchardt (Poland)


äóìWe were sailing so fast it felt as though we were flying.  The permanent crew were Polish and we learnt a lot of Polish words.  Tonight we’re going to see The Dubliners – our Captain was given invites.  I think we were very lucky to have such a great boat and to have this amazing experience.äó

Daniel, Kapitan Borchardt (Poland)


äóìSomeone was sick on me while they were aloft and I was on the deck.  Everyone else thought it was hilarious!äó

Edel, Stavros S Niarchos (UK)

äóìThe trainees are organising a get together because we are all going to miss each other so much.äó

Louise, Stavros S Niarchos (UK)


äóìI’m doing it again – 100%.  I was nervous before we set off, but it was the best thing I’ve done. The team building was great.äó

James, Stavros S Niarchos (UK)


äóìWe slept in really comfy hammocks that swung and I loved climbing the masts.äó

Orla, Stavros S Niarchos (UK)

äóìI had the opportunity to helm out of Waterford.  It was really enjoyable and cool to be given that responsibility.äó

Trevor, Stavros S Niarchos (UK)


äóìI heard about The Tall Ships Races on the radio.  I would definitely do it again.  The crew got on really well and I saw dolphins, whales and seals.  I even saw a shooting star.  There was a mix of nationalities on our boat and everyone had the chance to give a presentation about their country.

äóSeveral sails were ripped due to the weather and at one point we were down to one sail. We had to do repairs on the way.”

Eimar, Pelican of London (UK)

Everything is now set for for the Dublin Tall Ships Festival, 23-26 August.  Live music stage, watersports, family fun and entertainment, arts and crafts, exhibitions and workshops, literary trails, food and theatre and much more.

Behind the scenes insights on Twitter @tallshipsraces and Facebook

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