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iPod Touch Draw – Winners Announced

September 27, 2010

Our prize draw for trainees taking part in 2010 Sail Training International Races and Regattas has taken place and we can now announce that the winners are:

1st Prize – Pavel Petrov who sailed onboard Kaliakra during the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta

Runner up – Noor el Safti who sailed onboard Oosterschelde during The Tall Ships Races

Runner up – Jozef Gaspar who sailed onboard Wylde Swan during The Tall Ships Races

Pavel Petrov from Bulgaria is delighted with his prize and of his experience he says: “Sailing its not only a beautiful adventure, but its a test of your mind and character… because ‘life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that leave you breathless’ and these moments are not only at sea, but in the host ports too… ”

Noor el Safti is from The Netherlands and said of her first experience of The Tall Ships Races: “I enjoyed my stay on the Oosterschelde! everything was new for me. it was also my first time at sea. My plan for the future is maybe to work on a Tall Ship because i enjoyed it so much”

Jozef Gaspar from the United Kingdom most enjoyed “Being part of the team and meeting people from other nationalities and working together to crew the ship.  The excitement of the race and being part of the overall experience of a lifetime”

The winner receives the latest 32GB iPod touch with the runners up getting Σ15 iTunes vouchers.

Congratulations to you all, we hope you enjoy your prizes!

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