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Fleet spread across the Sagerrak

July 26, 2010

Following the fleet using the Yellowbrick tracking system adds an exciting element to the Tall Ships Races.  From the link on the webpage it can easily be seen that the vessels are currently spread out across the Sagerrak on both the Swedish and Norwegian sides of the water.  

De Gallant (Netherlands) (pic), Tomidi (Belgium), Lietuva (Lithuania) and Thermopylae Clipper (UK) are all close to the Swedish fjords, with Astrid (Netherlands) and Pelican of London (UK) around Lysekil.  Meanwhile Steppe (Belgium), Miles to Go (Belgium) and Qeenian (Poland) are further north around Sotenas.Ocean Scout (UK) is furthest west at Farsund with Georg Stage (Denmark) not too far away at Mandal.

Wylde Swan (Netherlands) is making her way into Risor to make a minor repair to an anchor and will then be heading back out the fjords tomorrow to meet up with others in the fleet before returning to Risor. 

View live tracking on The Tall Ships Races 2010 

To view the final results of the first race and full prize list, click here.  To see more images from The Tall Ships Races, click here.

The Tall Ships Races, presented by Szczecin and organised by Sail Training International.


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