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Crew of Four on Woj

April 10, 2010

A vessel registered in land-locked Austria is taking part in the Garibaldi Tall Ships Regatta with just four crew on board, and one of them has only just joined. The three Polish girls and one Italian boy will sail the five day race alone, although they would happily take more people on board to help them with the crewing. 

Skipper Marta Kozarzeska (pictured) has just qualified as a doctor and is currently working in a hospital in her home town of Gdansk.  Having sailed since she was a young girl, Marta is well used to sailing in the Baltic and last year took part in The Tall Ships Races, an event she loved so much she decided to do another this year. Marta says that when she first heard about the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta she knew that she wanted to take part in that event because of the beautiful scenery and places to visit. She signed up to join Woj, (pronounced Voy), in Volos but was then asked by Woj’s owner to skipper her in the Garibaldi Tall Ships Regatta, something she readily agreed to do.

Woj is owned by Pole Wojek Kowalik but as he is sailing as a member of Pogoria’s crew he is unable to sail his own boat himself but as Woj is normally kept in Italian or Greek waters, Wojek thought it would be great to see her participate in these events. 

Marta, together with fellow Poles Karolina Krajewska and Ewa Bara-Plucinska, and an Italian that has just joined them, are looking forward to their voyage to Trapani. Marta says that last year the vessel she sailed on was a bit too slow and she’s hoping that Woj will provide them with a bit more of a chance in the competition – weather dependent!

“We are happy to sail with just four on board but it would be much easier for all of us with more crew,” says Marta, who will return home after reaching Trapani before rejoining Woj in Volos. “We really do need more crew to come and join us for the Historical Seas Regatta, so if anyone would like to come along and have some fun, we would love to see them!”

The race start will take place at 1500hrs tomorrow afternoon, following a parade of sail along the coast of Liguria. 

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