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Crazy Crews Parade Around Liverpool

August 31, 2012

Crews from the Irish Sea fleet made their noisy way around the port this afternoon in the traditional Crew Parade, which started at the Wheel of Liverpool and wound its way along the waterfront and around the Museum of Liverpool before returning to Liverpool Arena where the prize giving was held.

Dressed as pirates, tigers, penguins, pelicans, leopards and other weird and wonderful characters the crews sang their way along the route followed by families and friends of many of the local sail trainers who had taken part in the Regatta.

Once inside the arena, the crews were welcomed by Sail Training International Race Chairman Knut Western, who thanked everyone for their participation, and introduced Liverpool City Council’s cabinet member for Culture and Tourism, Councillor Wendy Simon.  

Prizes were then awarded as follows:

1st on corrected distance – Class C&D – Challenge Wales (UK)

2nd on corrected distance – ClassC&D – Black DIamond of Durham (UK)

3rd on corrected distance – Class C&D – St Iv (Estonia)

1st on corrected distance – Class A&B – Tecla (Netherlands)

2nd on corrected distance – Class A&B – De Gallant (Netherlands)

3rd on corrected distance  – Class A&B – Maybe (UK)

1st overall with the greatest distance sailed – Challenge Wales (UK)

Sail Training International Communications prize – Pelican of London (UK)

Best Ship in the Crew Parade – Black Diamond of Durham (UK)

Youngest Average Aged Crew – Tecla (UK)

Most International Crew – Prolific (Norway)

The ceremony closed with three loud cheers for Liverpool, which echoed around the arena. 

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