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Coast Arrive On Sorlandet

July 21, 2011

Nick Crane, British TV Presenter of BBC series Coast, arrived in Lerwick on board Norwegian Class A vessel, Sorlandet, after experiencing life as a trainee from Orkney to Lerwick via Fair Isle.

It was a challenging few days for the BBC Coast team as weather conditions made it a hard sail but the strong winds made for a great experience.

According to the professional crew, the inexperienced trainees did a tremendous job, even during early hours, when Nick was also seen going aloft to experience crew duties.

Upon arrival in Lerwick, Nick thanked Captain Ulf Hed, for his time on Sorlandet and told Sail Training International that he hadn’t previously experienced anything like this before and now fully appreciates the hard work, personal challenges and also the enjoyment that trainees will experience when they set sail from Lerwick to Stavanger on Sunday.

For those of you who want to see Nick’s journey, you will have to wait until next summer.  Sail Training International will send you a reminder!

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