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Arrival of the Divas

August 26, 2011

The ‘grande dames’ of the tall ships fleet have arrived in Turku – Mir (Russia), Sedov (Russia) and Dar Mlodziezy (Poland) arrived within minutes of each other yesterday evening followed by Kruzenshtern (Russia) at 0800hrs this am.  Steaming in through the archipelago towards the entrance of the port some picked up tugs to help them manoeuvre into position.  Watched by many of the 30,000 visitors to the port, they gracefully moved into their berths and tied up.  

Another arrival into port was Helena, the local sail training vessel, who looked beautiful in full sail until shortly before the port entrance.  

There are now 24 vessels in port, with a further five to arrive later today. 

Although the quaysides are already bustling with activity, the official Opening Ceremony does not take place until 1800hrs in front of the museum ship, Suomen Joutsen.   Following that, the Captains will make their way to the Gas Bell Building for the traditional Captains’ Dinner, with fireworks finishing off the evening at 2300hrs.  

The Culture 2011 Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International

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