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Accident on-board Sea Cadet training ship TS Royalist

May 4, 2010

Everybody in the Sail Training world will be shocked and saddened to hear the news concerning a young sea cadet losing his life following an accident aboard the TS Royalist on Sunday 2 May.  Please note the content of the press release regarding this incident, (text below), was posted on the website of the UK Association of Sail Training Organisations.

Accident on-board Sea Cadet training ship TS ROYALIST

The trustees, staff and members of the Association of Sail Training Organisations (ASTO) were deeply saddened to learn of the tragic death of a Sea Cadet onboard TS Royalist after a fall from the rigging on Sunday 2 May.

Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the cadet who so sadly lost his life, and to the sea-staff and cadets of TS Royalist.

Rear Admiral John Lang, President of the Association of Sail Training Organisations and former Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents also expressed ASTO’s sorrow and said that Sail Training has a good safety record and this type of tragic accident is, thankfully, extremely rare.

We do not know any details at the moment but ASTO will ensure that any lessons learnt from this accident are disseminated to the Sail Training industry.

Further information on the incident is available at the Marine Society and Sea Cadets website at

Photo by MAX

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