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Aalborg To Host Conference 2013

January 18, 2012

The port city of Aalborg, Denmark, will host Sail Training International’ annual international conference in November 2013. The agreement was signed today by Aalborg Mayor Henning G Jensen (pictured below) and Sail Training International’ President and Chairman Nigel Rowe.

The two day event is expected to bring close to 400 delegates from about 40 countries to the city for a series of plenary and work-shop sessions on a range of topics relating to sail training for young people and Tall Ships races. Half the delegates will be from ports around the world that host Tall Ships events. Half will be the owners and operators of sail training vessels. Aalborg has hosted Sail Training International’ Tall Ships Races several times in the past, most recently in 2010. It is contracted to do so again in 2015. Aalborg also has a long-standing reputation as a ‘sail training friendly’ port and supports its two local sail training vessels Jens Krogh and LOA.

äóìIt is very unusual for us to contract with a host city for our conference so far in advance; but the opportunity to do so with Aalborg now was one we were very keen to takeäó, says Nigel Rowe. “alborg has been a highly successful host port for our Tall Ships Races in the past, and a great supporter over many years of sail training and Sail Training International in other ways too. 2013 will be Mayor Henning G Jensen’ last year in office and we welcome this opportunity to thank him for his support in the past, and the community of Aalborg too.äó

“alborg has a strong maritime tradition and our community has developed a great affection for the Tall Ships over the years,äó says Mayor Henning G Jensen. äóìThe Tall Ships Races give us an opportunity to show-case our city and Danish hospitality to an international fleet and thousands of young people and media from around the world. They give our own community an opportunity for a family-friendly party äó_ and they bring economic benefits to the city as well. Hosting this important and prestigious international conference is an honour and will be great for our city.äó

Mayor Henning G Jensen

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