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SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 Novorossiysk: Day One

September 16, 2016

The port of Novorossiysk woke to yet another bright and sunny morning and the early arrival of Russian vessel Mir, followed a little time later by Nadezdha. They are now moored together with the third sister ship, Khersones, close by.


remaining fleet have been making spectacular entrances to the port

throughout the day, providing great viewing for the general public, who

are growing in number. An estimated 100,000 visitors are expected at the

port during the festivities.

The Ringing of the Bell


opening ceremony took place in the early afternoon in the centre of the

festival area, where a number of special guests took to the stage. Igor

Dyachenko, City Manager of the Novorossiysk, Robin Snouck Hurgronje,

Race Chairman of Sail Training International, Yiriy Tsvetkov, President

of Sovcomflot (Novoship), Andrew Lavrischev, Deputy Director of

Rosmorport and Alexander Poshivay, Deputy Director of the Federal Agency

of Sea and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot).

All gave short

speeches, exchanged gifts, welcomed the fleet and thanked the Port and

City for its cooperation. STI Race Chairman, Robin Snouck Hurgronje said

äóìWe would like to express our gratitude to the city, the port and the

people of Novorossiysk. We know that everyone here loves the sea, the

ships and the people. We hope to increase interest in sailing in the

Black Sea area, and want to bring as many young people together on sail

training ships. This is because we believe that the experience of living

and working on board sail training ships will make them better people.

And we want to bring people together. Different people, countries,

cultures and backgrounds. This is how we bring our message of

international mutual understanding.”

The event was declared open

by the ringing of a ship’ bell and the assembled crowd were entertained

by local dance troupes, musicians and singers.

The ships will be

opening to the public on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00, with

the ships as a background, a fireworks display will thrill the crowds on

Sunday evening at 21.00hrs.

About Sovcomflot


Sovcomflot (SCF Group) is one of the world’s leading shipping

companies, specialising in the transportation of crude oil, petroleum

products, and liquefied gas, as well as servicing offshore upstream oil

and gas installations and equipment. The Group’s fleet comprises 148

vessels with a total deadweight of over 12.8 million tonnes. The company

is registered in St. Petersburg with offices in Moscow, Novorossiysk,

Murmansk, Vladivostok, Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, London, Limassol, and

Dubai.äóÂThe Group offers a wide range of vessels in the market segments

most demanded by major Russian oil and gas companies. With its own

technical development and unique approach to advanced technologies,

Sovcomflot has the ability to meet the most demanding customer

requirements, providing effective transportation for oil and gas

companies.äóÂThe Group is the title sponsor of SCF Black Sea Tall Ships

Regatta 2016. Previously it was also the title sponsor of the similar

event held in 2014, as well as a presenting partner of the Tall Ships

Races 2009.


Photo: By Valery Vasilevsky.

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