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Proud Mircea crew - winners of five sports awards

SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016: Day Two. Fun and Competition for the Crews

September 9, 2016

Today (Friday) has been a very busy day for the crews, with crew sports competitions, crew parade, prize giving and the crew party.

Starting early with sports competitions, they completed in an obstacle relay race, rowing, anchor weighing and tug-o-war competitions. Watched by hundreds of visitors, sports competitions such as this are held in each port and always very friendly, but also very competitive!

Constanta Crew Parade

Later in the afternoon, under beautiful blue skies, the crews mustered in the centre of the festival area before starting the Crew Parade through the port, along the promenade to the beautiful and ancient Ovid Square.

Best described as musical, smart, exuberant, and ‘a little bit crazy at the back’, the procession was led by the marching band of the Romanian Naval Academy, who continued to entertain the crowds along the route to Ovid Square where the Prize Giving then took place.

A Very Inspiring Guest

Guest of honour, Mr Andrei Rosu, has an impressive record. An ultra marathon runner, he is also: the first Romanian to swim across the English Channel; the man who has just completed ten Ironman events in as many days, and who is now preparing to row across the Atlantic with three friends. He gave a wonderful speech, encouraging people to get out of their comfort zone. “Everyone knows the tall ships are safe in port, but that’s not what they were built for. They need to go to sea, a challenging place. I was 35 years old before I took up sports. Everyone said I was too old, but I challenged myself.”

Sports Awards

Sports awards were presented as follows:

The prizes were awarded to äó_

Inter-Ship Competition – Rowing

3rd place Mircea (team II) (Romania)

2nd place Kaliakra (Bulgaria)

1st place Mir (Russia)

Inter-Ship Competition – Sailors Relay

3rd place Nadezdha (Russia)

2nd place Mircea (team I) (Romania)

1st place Mir (Russia)

Inter-Ship Competition – Tug of War

3rd place Mircea (team II)

2nd place Nadezhda (Russia)

1st place Kruzenshtern (Russia)

Inter-Ship Competition – Anchor Pulling

3rd place Mircea (team II) (Romania)

2nd place Mircea (team II) (Romania)

1st place Royal Helena (Bulgaria)

Other Awards

Best Dressed Ship in Port as voted by the Port Committee in the Port of Constanta (Class A)

The Constanta Port Committee wanted to thank all ships for making so many local visitors welcome aboard their decks during ‘open ship’ but in particular this winning vessel

Atyla (Vanuatu)

Ship Furthest from Home

Nadezhda (Russia)

Smartest Crew in Parade (Class A):

Nadezhda (Russia)

Best Dressed Crew in Parade (Class B, C and D)

Akela (Russia)

More Fun to Come

After making their way back to their ships to deposit their prizes and costumes, everyone has made their way to the crew party, where lots more friendships will be formed, on and off the dance floor!

Pic: The crew of Mircea with their trophies.

Behind the Sails: We asked trainees for three words that come to mind when they THINK of sailing on their ship

Here’s what they said:

Adventurous – Joyful – Friendship (Kaliakra)

Dramatic – Exciting – Danger! (Nadezhda)

Exciting – Adventure – Fun! (Royal Helena)

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