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Race report seven: one of the most remarkable races in recent years

July 13, 2015

The last few vessels in the first race leg of The Tall Ships Races 2015 are due to cross the finish line later tonight (Monday 13 July) – to end one of the most

remarkable Tall Ships Races in recent years and the beautiful city of

Alesund in Norway is standing by its reputation as the port of friendship.


Every vessel arriving

into harbour is receiving a special, individual welcome into the harbour – from

water and celebration cannons, to TV coverage and photographs.

Photos of the vessels

arriving can be seen on Facebook here.  

Paul Bishop, Race Director, Sail Training International reports.


stalwart crews have seen a complete mixture of conditions since starting the

race off the north coast of Northern Ireland last Monday. They have battled

against gale force winds and mountainous seas of over five metres high and have

also piloted their way through fog and frustrating calms.


“The challenging race

course and unpredictable weather patterns have kept the captains and navigators

stretched over the past week with weighing up key strategic decisions at every

stage. Will it be faster to go through the Minch, or outside of the Hebrides?

Should we go north or south of the Shetlands? Will there be more favourable winds

close to the Norwegian coast, or should we keep further offshore when closing

the finish line? Analytical strategic decisions and good sailing have paid off, but luck has also had its part to play with the front-runners having benefited

from favourable winds and those slightly behind being headed by light conditions so close to the finish line.


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