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And the Winners are …..

August 24, 2012

Crew and trainees of The Tall Ships Races 2012 celebrated in style today (Friday 24 August) with a spectacular Crew Parade along the North Quays in Dublin.

The Mayor of Dublin welcomed the international

crews to the city and Knut Western, Chairman of the Tall Ships Races 2012, led three cheers for Dubllin before the award ceremony began.

3rd Class D on Corrected Time                     Gigi (UK)

2nd Class D on Corrected Time                    Akela (Russia)

Class D on Corrected Time                           Tomidi (Belgium)

3rd Class C on Corrected Time                    Spaniel (Latvia)

2nd Class C on Corrected Time                    St Iv (Estonia)

1st Class C on Corrected Time                     Dar Szczecina (Poland)

2nd Class B on Corrected Time                    Johanna Lucretia (UK)

1st Class B on Corrected Time                     Kapitan Borchardt (Poland)

3rd Class A on Corrected Time                    Fryderyk Chopin (Poland)

2nd Class A on Corrected Time                   Alexander Von Humboldt II (Germany)

1st Class A on Corrected Time                    Cuauhtemoc (Mexico)

Most International Crew on Race Three    Prolific (UK) (13 nationalities out of 24 persons)

Youngest Crew in Race Three                     Rona II (UK) (20.81 years)

Individual Communications Award             Bartlomiej Skwara, Fryderyk Chopin (Poland)

Communications Award                               Creidne (Ireland)

Special Award – rendering assistance      Black Diamond (UK)

Best in the Crew Parade

1st on Elapsed Time                                      Cuauhtemoc (Mexico) (two days, one hour 27 minutes nine 


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