We need your images for our Facebook celebration!!!
We are now over 1,900 Facebook fans and growing. The ETA for 2,000 fans is somewhere in the following weeks.
To celebrate this, we thought we’d put together all of your
memorable experiences in The Tall Ships Races into a big mosaic image that we could share with you as a gesture
of thanks for your continued support of Sail Training International.
Never seen a mosaic image before? A mosaic is where you take many smaller pictures and use them to make a
larger, single image.
So, how can you submit your images for this fun-tastic project? We have several options.
Facebook: First you’ll need to äóìLikeäó our Facebook fan page. Then you can submit an image to the page and include the tag äóìDo Tall Shipsäó in the description. You must
include the äóìDo Tall Shipsäó wording with the photo and in doing so, you’re
permitting us to use the image for the purpose of this mosaic, which
will be made available for download and/or use via various media
Twitter: Attach an image with the hashtag DoTallships visibile in the tweet. You can ping us @Tallships races as well, if you’ve got space.
Email: You can email images directly to sandra.arrioja@sailtraininginternational.org with the tag äóìDo Tall Shipsäó in the email
(either the title or the body text). Again, they should be your own
original images, and by sending them to us, you are permitting their use
as part of this mosaic.
The image can be anything you like, so long as is related to The Tall Ships Races. It can be working at the deck, or a crew parade, or a photo
of you posing in the vessel. As long as it’ related to The Tall Ship Races, we can use it.
The final mosaic will be made available to the public for personal,
non-commercial use. Sail Training International may also use the mosaic image for marketing