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July 2, 2012

After completing an expedition to Terra Australis (Antarctica), the three-masted Bark EUROPA will be sailing East to Cape Town, South Africa. Here, in April 2013 the EUROPA will meet the Dutch three-masted topsail schooner ‘Oosterschelde’ and Herring logger ‘Tecla’. From there on, the Tall Ships will be sailing together across the Indian Ocean. In the wake of Dutch explorers such as Cornelis de Houtman, Abel Tasman and Van Diemen, these well-known Dutch Tall Ships relive ancient times again.

Special departure in September 2012

After a short maintenance period in Zaandam, the Netherlands, the ship will depart for a long voyage down to Chile. This departure, planned in September 2012 is a very special one as it is also the start of our world circumnavigation. The voyage to Chile consists of several legs: starting in Amsterdam the course is set for Lisbon, Las Palmas and Salvador.Tall Ships Races 2013

After the Antarctic season the world voyage continues in June 2013. Then the ship prepares for the ocean voyage to Mauritius and onwards to Australia. Two other Dutch Tall Ships are also preparing to make this adventurous voyage: ‘Oosterschelde’ and ‘Tecla’. Once in Australia the ships will join the Tall Ships Races event and will race from Melbourne to Hobart and on to Sydney and onwards to Auckland, New Zealand.

Fleet Review

On October 4th, 2013, the ships will represent the Netherlands during the International Fleet Review of the Australian Navy, commemorating the centenary of the first entry of the Royal Australian Navy into Sydney.

A True Cape Horn Rounding

The final leg planned on the ships World Circumnavigation is a true Cape Horn rounding. This voyage starts in Auckland, New Zealand and will finish in Stanley on the Falkland Islands. An official Cape Horn Rounding includes two important conditions: You have to sail from 50 degrees south to 50 degrees south either west to east or vice versa around Cape Horn and, very important, the final 3000 miles of the journey must be done under sail; no engines can be used.

Favourite snack during dogwatch?

Next to sailing a culinary theme is added. Having (good) food on board is important! During all legs of the world voyage the role of the Cooks, Galley and Foodd will be emphasized and special attention will be given to the history and origin of the local recipes of the ports and regions we visit.

Please see for more information on the World Circumnavigation. You can join the ships on one or more legs of this sailing adventure! Contact the Bark EUROPA office for more details.

For contact please see details below:

Rederij Bark EUROPA

Marijke Jí_ger & Liza de Kurver

Tel. +31 -10- 281 0990



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