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Largest tall ship in the world arrives in Gdynia

September 1, 2011

Russian ship Sedov, the largest tall ship in the world, arrived in Gdynia this morning, elegantly entering the President’s Basin and tying up in front of fellow Russian ship, Mir.  

Built in 1920 for the transport of goods, the 122.3m four masted barque now sails as a sail training vessel. Sedov carries cadets from the Universities of Murmansk (her home port), St Petersburg and Arhangelsk who train to be officers, mechanics and radio operators.  

The ship is named after Geogij Sedov, an explorer who died during an arctic expedition in 1914.

Sedov will be joined tomorrow by one of the other largest ships in the fleet, Kruzenshtern (Russia).

Meanwhile, a press conference took place earlier today attended by many journalists and photographers who are covering the Regatta.  Amongst other speakers, Race Chairman Robin Snouck Hurgronje talked about the race from Turku to Gdynia, results of which will be available later today once all declaration forms have been handed in to the race office.

The Culture 2011 Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.


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