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Race Report 5 – 24 August AM Report

August 22, 2011

Yesterday the Race Committee decided to bring forward the time limit due to the very light wind conditions, particularly at the back of the fleet.   The new time limit was Class A vessels 0500 UTC 24 August and Class B, C & D 0530 UTC 24 August.  

Vessels not making the finish line by this time are still eligible for a placing in the results due to Sail Training International’s unique ‘finished at sea’ formula.  They simply record their exact position at sea at the stated time limit and the race software calculates the theoretical time they would have crossed the finish line using the following four factors:

1. corrected time

2. elapsed time (actual time)

3. course distance

4. distance vessel has to go to the finish line.

Therefore, as of this mornings final race reporting schedule, Class A remains the same with Mir (Russia) leading, Kruzenshtern (Russia) in second place and Shtandart (Russia) in third all on corrected time (though Shtandart’s status has yet to be verified).

In Class B,  Helena (Finland) leads with Tecla (Netherlands) in second and Brabander (Lithuania) in third, all on corrected time.

St Iv (Estonia) leads Class C, with two Polish vessels, 4 Oceans’ Dream and Camelot, in second and third place respectively, all on corrected time.

Fujimo (USA) leads Class D, ahead of Akela (Russia) in second and Variag (Russia) in third position, all on corrected time.

However,  there are no reports as yet from Gulden Leeuw (Netherlands), Elena (Russia), Henrika (Finland), Lady B (Poland) and Theia (Finland) so this may affect some of these placings when we receive information about them.    We do know they are all safe and well and can be seen on the Yellowbrick tracking system.   

Sedov (Russia) has retired from the back of the fleet and is now motoring towards Turku.  

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