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Excellent seamanship by trainee helps Wyvern win the day

August 6, 2010

Sindre Sivevag (18) from Stavanger has arrived in Hartlepool on board Wyvern, the Norwegian gaff ketch, that took the lead in the final hours of the race to become the provisional winner of the Kristiansand to Hartlepool leg of the Tall Ships Race.  

Sindre has sailed for most of his life and is a keen Sea Scout.  He previously sailed on Sorlandet (Norway), when he was 16 and although he enjoyed the experience, he found that he was able to be do much more on Wyvern, being a much smaller vessel with a crew of six trainees and six permanent crew.

Captain of Wyvern, Ingeir Fusson, has nothing but praise for Sindre.  äóìUsually when trainees come on board we are teaching them navigation and sailing skills, however on this occasion Sindre has been teaching us!äó

Wyvern joined the fleet in Aalborg, sailing on to Kristiansand for the Cruise in Company, and then to Hartlepool for the race leg.  All but one of the trainees will now be sailing back to Stavanger on Wyvern, having established some good friendships along the way.

Provisional race results have been published but cannot be finalised until all ships are in port and have

handed in their declaration forms to be scrutinized by the race

committee.  The fleet should be in port by 12:00 noon on Saturday, so

final results will then be published on Saturday afternoon.

To view the full list of provisional placings, click here .

View tracking via satellite on The Tall Ships Races 2010 (updated

two-hourly – please note this is a pilot system and not all vessels are

currently showing up on the system. For a full update of positions

please refer to the tracking and placing links below). 

To see more images from The Tall Ships Races, click here.

The Tall Ships Races, presented by Szczecin and organised by Sail Training International.

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