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Crew places still available on Astrid

July 9, 2010

Its not too late to join a ship in time for the first leg of the Tall Ships Race.  Astrid (Netherlands), is one of member of the fleet with spaces available to Aalborg.  Built in 1918, Astrid, a 41m brig, was originally an English ship before being purchased and restored by the Dutch in 1998.  Now a luxury sailing ship, she is a regular in The Tall Ships Races.  As a recent development, as well as able bodied trainees, Astrid also offers sail training for people living with Down’s Syndrome. 

Astrid is known for her ‘family’ approach, combined with the opportunity for trainees to get really hands-on during their voyage.  With a permanent crew of four people, all trainees are able to get actively involved with all aspects of sailing, from sail setting to keeping watch.  

Two of the current permanent crew are classic examples of how Astrid can work her magic – Dentistry student Sarah Van Der Vis joined Astrid four years ago as a novice crew member and never really left, spending several months each year on board.  Mate Willem joined Astrid for three weeks over three years ago, and like Sarah, is still there!

Whether you’d like to sail for a week, a month (or longer!), you can visit or contact the ship for more details. 

Brixham trawler Provident (UK) also has places available for the first race leg, so go on down to the quayside to find out more.

Pic: A warm welcome from the permanent crew on Astrid


To see more images from The Tall Ships Races, click here.

The Tall Ships Races is presented by Szczecin and organised by Sail Training International.



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