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Mir trainees excel on the rowing course

May 22, 2010

The trainees from the Russian sail training vessel Mir have won the highly competitive rowing race which took place Varna this morning in perfect flat water conditions.

The fit, young team who also won the rowing race at the first port of call in Volos a week ago, showed the rest of the fleet their transom from the start of today’ race, and demonstrated how smart, synchronized rowing really does pay.

Mir’ biggest threat was the local Bulgarian team from Kaliakra who know a thing or two about rowing these local six-man Yal 6 design rowing boats. The Kaliakra trainees enjoyed a race long battle with Mir but were unable to overtake. Halfway down the mile-long course, Kaliakra started to wind in Mir but Mirwasn’t going to take any chances by always keeping a careful cover on the Bulgarians.

Team Alexander Von Humboldt, Germany also gave the leading pair a good run for their money and were only a couple of boat lengths behind waiting to pounce at any opportunity.

In the closing stages of the race however, as the leading three approached the finish line just off the Port Varna – Captain Georgi Georgiev Yacht Club, Mir pulled away and crossed the finish line over two boat lengths ahead of Kaliakra. Alexander Von Humbolt took third.

As they crossed the line Team Mir expressed their joy and determination by saying: äóìWe are the champions, we are the best and we’re not even tired. We’re now in training to make it a hat trick in the next rowing race.äó

To track the fleet as they race click here

To view the current placings of the race click here

To view the combined race results of Leg 1 and 2 of Race 1 click here.

The Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.

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