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Noisy Crew Parade and Prize Giving

April 18, 2010

Trapani came alive yesterday evening to the sound of the crews on the Garibaldi Tall Ships Regatta storming through the streets and enjoying their prize giving. The crews gathered at 1900 hrs and paraded up into the town and through some of the cobbled streets of Trapani, much to the amusement of the watching public. 

As the crews paraded they gathered members of the public who wanted to join in the excitement, swelling the numbers and making some of the narrow passes virtually impassable. The parade charged on regardless and ended up back along the quayside in front of Signora del Vento for the prize giving.

A clown then entertained the crews and public on a trapeze high above them while they waited for the Mayor of Trapani and the President of the Province, Girolamo Turano, to arrive for the prize giving. 

Proceedings finally got under way and the following prizes were awarded:

Class C/D on corrected time:

3rd – Viva (Latvia)

2nd – Woj (Austria)

1st – Akela (Russia)

Class B on corrected time:

3rd – Far Barcelona (Spain)

2nd – Tecla (Netherlands)

1st – Pandora (Italy)

Class A on corrected time:

3rd – Tenacious (UK)

2nd – Oosterschelde (Netherlands)

1st – Astrid (Netherlands)

Line Honours – awarded to the vessel closest to the finish line at the end of the race:

Orsa Maggiore (Italy)

First overall on corrected time:

Pandora (Italy)

Communications Prize – awarded to vessel that played a key role in the race communications:

Kaliakra (Bulgaria)

Vessel with most nationalities on board:

Pogoria (Poland)

Youngest trainee on board:

Den Store Bjorn (Denmark)

Best crew in the crew parade:

Runaway (Italy)

The final prize to be awarded was the Sail Training International Friendship Trophy, which is awarded to the vessel that is voted by the captains and crews of the rest of the fleet to have done the most towards international friendship and understanding:

Pandora (Italy)

The full list of all placings for the race can be downloaded here

The full list of all prizes awarded can be downloaded here.

The crews and public then enjoyed a ‘white night’ when bars stayed open until 0300 and music venues were established all over town. 

On Monday the fleet will say farewell to Trapani in a parade of sail and head off either towards Greece, where some are taking part in the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta, or back to their home port.

More images from the crew parade and prize giving can be seen by visiting the photo gallery

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