A Fleeting Visit to Istanbul
The Dutch vessel Tecla is now racing on the second part of the first race from Volos to Varna, having spent a couple of days passing by Istanbul. Here Jeanette reports on how it was to see Istanbul from the water and the second part of the race so far:
“Istanbul, the Europe Capital of Culture 2010. It is amazing to see such a big city laying against a mountain, full of the most beautiful buildings. All the mosques and palaces, with golden points, glittering in the sun, on top of the roofs. Next to it, the very new high buildings, with lots of glass and in between, green parks.
“We took part in parade all the way through the Bosporus, past Istanbul to the Black Sea. Once in the Black Sea we started the second part of the race to Varna.
The start was with a NE breeze and sometimes a SW one…… but finally everybody got over the starting line.
“The little breeze was kind to Tecla. Without any swell things were quite smooth and we were able to keep up with the leading vessels. Until this morning that is when after a lot of tacking, gypping and topsail changing everything went very well… so good in fact that after the morning schedule we heard that we were first overall and first in class. We also heard that we did well in the first part of the race when we were first in class and third overall.
“Since then, there has been a lot of change of wind direction. For a while we had a NW-ly wind which was not at all good for us or Mir, who was next to us. Then the wind disappeared completely and as I write, the wind is finally blowing from the direction it should have been all the time, SW. Not a lot, but if it stays or grows a little stronger (we are doing 0.3 knots at the moment), we should be able to leave way point 2 on our starboard site, just 21.5 miles, on 330 degrees.”
To track the fleet as they race click here.
To view the current placings of the race click here.
The Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.