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Does Sail Training have the potential to change a young person’s life or behaviour in life?

It can be suggested that the Sail Training experience is the flagship model for Marine Experiential Education; particularly in relation to Youth Development.

For some time it has been suggested by many Sail Training operators that “sail Training is a life changing experience”. However; other providers suggest that the experience can change attitudes and provide essential life skills which enable a young person to change their own life.

It cannot be denied that sail training as an experiential education tool has the potential to have a profound effect on a young person, particularly those who originate from a disadvantaged background. However, does the experience in itself change a young person’s life or could it be part of a much larger systematic change; which can in turn alter a young person’s lifestyle and/or direction in life.

In essence – is it more accurate to ask: Can a marine experiential education experience change a young
person􀍛s behaviour?

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