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Barcelona Fleet complete

September 21, 2013

The final ships to join the fleet arrived into Barcelona this morning, including Belem, the three masted French barque.  She made her way in watched by many visitors on the quaysides and bridges and took her place amongst some of the other Class A ships – Mir (Russia), Gulden Leeuw (Netherlands) and Santa Maria Manuela (Spain).  

“Once again the sail training family is gathering in Barcelona where she has not been since 2007 and we are sure that all of the trainees will be welcomed as they were then” said Christian Bickert, Chairman of the Race Committee.

Whilst some ships are now open to the public to walk around onboard, others are already teaching their new trainees how to set the sails and climb safely aloft.  This training will continue at various times during the coming days so that they are well prepared for when the race to Toulon begins on Tuesday.  

“Now that everyone is here we can complete the safety inspections and finalise the plans for Race One.  I have no doubt that all the trainees and crews will enjoy their time here in Barcelona, especially with so much going on around the marina and quaysides” said Mike Bowles, Race Director for Sail Training International.  

Pic:  Belem entering port

Lycamobile – title sponsor of the Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta

Gaastra – official clothing supplier to the Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta


– ends – 

For more details please contact Pauline Appleby, Media Manager, on Tel: +44(0) 7785 567487

Editor’ notes:

A word from your sponsor

Lycamobile is the world’ favourite international SIM card. With over 30 million customers across 16 countries, it allows customers to benefit from fantastic, low rates to call their friends and family abroad.

Lycamobile is delighted to be sponsoring this year’ Lycamobile Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta, with its mission to connect to global communities.  


If you need to call your family and friends during the Regatta please look out for their stand space portside in Barcelona, Toulon and La Spezia.   

What is sail training?

Sail Training is an adventure activity, which includes far more than sailing instruction. Participants are required to confront demanding challenges, both physical and emotional. It is an activity that inspires self-confidence and personal responsibility. It promotes an acceptance of others, whatever their social or cultural backgrounds, and develops a willingness to take controlled risks. Those who undertake Sail Training on Tall Ships generally find it a positive life-changing experience.

A two-minute film can be seen here.

About Sail Training International (STI)

STI is the international voice of Sail Training, a registered charity (not-for-profit organisation), which has worldwide membership and activities. Its purpose is the development and education of young people through the Sail Training experience, regardless of nationality, culture, religion, gender or social background. It organises the annual Tall Ship Races and other international Tall Ship sailing events. STI members are 29 national Sail Training organisations around the world and STI’ head office is in Gospo

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