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Challenge Wales makes impressive debut

September 1, 2012

Not many ships can boast their own song written especially for them, but newcomer to the Tall Ship race family, Challenge Wales (UK) has just that, and the crew could be heard singing it loudly and proudly as they entered Liverpool a few nights ago.

The 72ft round-the-world Challenge Yacht joined the Irish Sea Regatta in Dublin, experiencing the end of the Tall Ships Races there, before competing in the Irish Sea race where she won first place on corrected distance (Class C/D).

Based in Cardiff Bay, Challenge Wales has previously taken part in the Small Ships Race and is looking forward to taking part in more Tall Ships events in the coming years.

Despite there being a fair amount of sea-sickness in the challenging sea conditions, crew member Zac said äóI loved it.  It was fun trying to sleep in the bunks, especially when the boat gybed!  Everyone on board got on really well and grew close as a team so quickly.äó

Crew member Simon cancelled his holiday to stay on board for the Regatta – originally only planning to sail to Dublin, he cancelled the rest of his plans (including climbing Snowdon) and stayed on board for the Irish Sea race, and is now very sad to be leaving.  

Along with the rest of the fleet, Challenge Wales will be taking part in the traditional Parade of Sail tomorrow (Sunday), with undocking starting at 10.30hrs and the parade starting at 13.30hrs along the Mersey.

Pic:  crew members on board Challenge Wales

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