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Torbay Cup Winner 2011

October 11, 2011

A young adult from South Shields near Newcastle, Kieran Maxwell, has dramatically turned his life around from years of drug and alcohol abuse, moving from hostel to hostel and a spell in a Young Offenders Institute to earn himself a prestigious award, The Torbay Cup, presented by Sail Training International for outstanding individual achievement and personal effort during The Tall Ships Races 2011.

Kieran, 21, sailed from Waterford (Ireland) to Greenock (Scotland) as a trainee on board the Spirit of Fairbridge, for the first leg of The Tall Ships Races 2011.  The annual Race Series is organised by Sail Training International, a charity established to harness sail training to develop and educate young people, regardless of nationality, culture, religion, gender or social background. 

Kieran’ childhood was unquestionably tragic which involved seeing his Dad imprisoned for manslaughter following the death of his Mum.  Raised by his Grandparents, Kieran explains: äóìI went off the rails from the age of 16 and it has only been in the last six months that I’ve pulled myself together.   I did a lot of Class A drugs, stole from people and committed crime to feed my habit of coke, ecstasy and anything else I could get hold of.äó

Kieran has lived in 12 different hostels since his Grandparents kicked him out of home in an effort to make him take responsibility for his actions.  It was in his latest hostel, The Tyneside Foyer, where he was introduced to the Fairbridge programme, part of the Prince’ Trust, which supported him to take part in The Tall Ships Races.

Every year around 8,000 trainees aged between 15-25 from around the world take part in The Tall Ships Races where they learn how to take responsibility for daily chores involved in running a ship from cooking healthy meals for everyone through to navigating, keeping watch, steering the ship and climbing rigging.

Despite having virtually no sailing experience, Kieran had no hesitation in undertaking the enormous personal challenge of life at sea.  He explains: äóìI’d never even heard of The Tall Ships Races so went with no expectations.  When I arrived in Waterford, it was an overload of senses with so many people and ships.  I wondered how I was going to find my boat!  I hadn’t met anyone else on board before but we all had to get on pretty quickly as there was work to be done.  On the last day of sailing when we were just off the Isle of Man, the wind just came from nowhere.  The gusts were so intense, there were 15ft waves! I was warned not to mock the sea but the bigger the waves the better. It was great seeing the team work together.  I loved it!äó

As part of winning the Torbay Cup, Kieran has been awarded up to 500euros of funding  by Sail Training International towards another voyage.  Mike Bowles a Race Director for Sail Training International comments: äóìCongratulations to Kieran on winning the Torbay Cup which has been awarded to him for the very impressive work ethic he demonstrated in addition to his personal ability to connect with the crew and other trainees.   When I interviewed Kieran I felt that here was a very special young man. This is clearly reflected in the comments by his skipper for the voyage he undertook. There is a misconception that sailing is an elitist activity which certainly is not the case with The Tall Ships Races.äó

Anybody aged 15 and above can take part regardless of background or physical ability and there is funding available to help young people to get involved.  As well as being

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